Saturday, December 12, 2009

Nonfiction Chapter 9

Nonfictioon books are usually journals, diaries, life-cycle books, how to books, reference books, and biographies. Not to be rude or mean Font sizebut I am not really a nonfiction book person. Not saying I dispise them I just don;t really enjoy them as much as other books. I need to be able to read something fun and interesting. Probaly the only nonfiction books that I have opened to read are text books and reference book to use for a research paper or project. Other types of nonfiction books that I have opened to look at and read are recipe books. I love to bake so that is the only reason why I have nonfiction books. Nonfiction books to me I think they are mostly to take in information. Very educational.

Fiction Family Chapter 8

Realistic Fiction, Historical Fiction, Fantasy and Science Fiction are all my favorite!!!!!! I absolutly enjoy reading romance novels. I love the Twilight series and as a child a love the Chronicals of Narnia and Sarah Plain and Tall by Patricia MacLachlan. They later made them into movies which makes it even better. Even though the books are way way better I still like them. I enjoy the fact the in Sarah Plain in tall is realistic and historical, because yes there were mail order brides and that's what sarah was. Jacob had posted an ad in the paper and Sarah answered it. Alot of the romance novels that I read deal with mail order brides too. Or they take place after the civil war or what ever wars they were in at that time. I guess that is why I also enjoy history. These books are realistic fiction. The Twilight series those are in a way realistic, fantasy and science fiction. Realistic beacuse there are realistic people in the books, fantasy because alot of things are to good to be true. Edward is too too too too too too perfect. But I fell totally in love with him, FANTASY!!!! He is just real in the book. Science fiction beacuse there are wolves and vampires in the books. But all these things are what makes us intrested in reading and falling in love with the books. I like that when I pick it up to read it is very hard and impossible for me to put it down. Fiction Family type of books are the one that I start to read and I stay up till five in the morning reading. I can read the entire book without putting it down. That is how much I love to read Fiction books.

Picture Books Chapter 7

Oh wow picture books!!! I have never really been the type to love or like picture books. Unless it is a book that really explains itself through the pictures. I am the type of person who actually needs words on my pages of my book. I guess because I LOVE to READ. Books of course not text books. lol Sorry Professor. ;-) But hey I'm not the only one. But I would rather look at a picture book than read a text. My brother loves picture books. I remember when he was little he would always like to look at the big paintings in the books. He would say that he love the pretty bright colors. I never really took the time to look at them with him. And today i took the time to look at some and I may say that they are very nice pictures. I guess I can say that I was wrong. I really liked them. But still does not mean that they are my favorite. I notice that Picture Books are not a type of Genre. They fall into many different categories. They are poetry, fantasy, science fiction, realistic fiction, and historical fiction. I would have thought that they were their own Genre if I did not read that ji ji ji. I bought some books for my library last week and my brother chose two picture books. I love the fact that i have a younger brother because he helps me choose books .

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Traditional Literature Chapter 6

What is traditional Literature?
Traditional Literature is the writtan form of stories that are part of the oral tradition of a culture, culture can be an ethnic group within a national border. (p 123)
This is when oral stories become written ones.
For example Cinderela and The Three Little Pigs. They are both traditional stories because there are SOOOOOOOOOO many versions of these books. They are stories that have been told for years, decades, centries and even longer than that too. Traditional literature elements are as follows plot, setting, characterization, style, theme, motifs and variants. Every culture has it's own style of traditional literature.
Traditional story books can get boring after a I really can not do that with this type of literature I am the type of person that needs more excitement that allows me to go beyond out of this world.

Poetry chapter 5

What is poetry? Why do we need it? Why is it important? Who cares about it?
Poetry is a musical language that skips, it sings and it tugs at you with an instant voice that rings in your head.(p89) Poetry creates love, harmony and sound of rhythm. Some people don't understand that poems really don't have to rhyme. I remember when I was in elementary I HATED reading poetry because i did not know how to understand it. I didn't know that you had to analyze the words to find the meaning of the poem. Now that I am older I understand that you don't just have to analyze it because everyone can interpret different meanings of the poem. But if you know the authors history ,and If you know about the type of life he lived. You are better able to understand where the author is coming from. I my comp. 2 class at Palo Alto I learned alot about poems, and I learned how to appreciate it alot better. Poem are all different some are about love, death, suicide, depression, family, everyday life and much much more. Here is one of my favorite poems. Read it analyze it and try to find out what it means.

My Papas Waltz

The whiskey on your breath
Could make a small boy dizzy;
But I hung on like death:
Such waltzing was not easy.

We romped until the pans
Slid from the kitchen shelf;
My mother's countenance
Could not unfrown itself.

The hand that held my wrist
Was battered on one knuckle;
At every step you missed
My right ear scraped a buckle.

You beat time on my head
With a palm caked hard by dirt,
Then waltzed me off to bed
Still clinging to your shirt.

Theodore Roethke

And no this poem is not about the boy having an abusive father. Read it and try to understand it. I really liked this poem after I understood it.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Responding To Literature

Everyone responds to literature differently. It all depends on your back ground, what type of person you are, where you are from , your culture and many more things in order for you to understand and respond to it. My mother, sisters, and I tend to read the same books. We pretty much respond to it the same culturally wise. But at time we don't because of our age differences. I remember when we read the passage and highlighted important word and read it by the eyes of different perspectives. Oh wow that was interesting. Reading like if we were a retailer, a robber and many more.
When choosing a book of your preference always think about, your favorite things, if you like fiction, nonfiction, poetry. Or is there a type of books that you don't enjoy.
These are things I think about when deciding on a book to read.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Go buy books!

Hi everyone I just wanted to post that if you are already buying books for your classroom library you should go check out the Handy Andy store off of High way 90 and Military. I good go and buy brand new books for a dollar there. 95% of the time they have really good books. I have bought allot of my books there. You just have to know how to go around and look. I go at least once every two weeks because they switch the books out often. I wouldn't hurt to go and check them out.